Important foreign info for dog friends
May, 2013
Important notice to all owners of dogs:
We can hardly believe it myself. Be sure to read more ...
Denmark was previously with many dog owners as an ideal holiday destination, but since 2010 the sharpest Denmark practiced law dogs worldwide. So far, more than 1,800 dogs have been killed just because of their breed dog belonging.
Background: Dogs are police immediately confiscated and euthanized in Denmark alone because of their appearance. Also, each dog has a different, even in the game or unintentionally injured. This includes small mixed breed dogs and family dogs who are not even remotely on the comprehensive index 13 fighting dog breeds.
These rules also apply to dogs of tourists, not even allowed to bring more out of the country your animals! Even "Tasso" and various animal welfare organizations warn the face of legal inszwischen before traveling to Denmark and especially recommended holders of large breeds urgently to inform!, e-mail:; English; Impotant Info for travelling