Blue Weimaraner lead properly

Daily activity is important for a Weimaraner.

The proper employment capacity of a dog's brain, making him really happy and tired. Therefore, the Blue Weimaraner during a walk or a joint activity should be not only physically, but also mentally required. To fill this intelligent dog, mentally and spiritually, you can think about some ideas for his talents and abilities. The blue Weimaraner is the task of retrieving an insatiable.

The search makes it inherently great fun and a reward exchanged the Blue Weimaraner like this article. Motivation is the key word here.


Principally, focused tasks are varied for a Weimaraner. This is the best employment. The task should never be boring for the Blue Weimaraner, because otherwise he gets bored and shows no interest.


One should be noted here. Make no ball-junky from your dog. Because you promote in anyway the intelligence nor the peace and serenity of your dog.


A Blue Weimaraner is always intereessiert except on "seizing" from taking objects (prey) for themselves in possession. So it goes with many social plays between the dog and the human or other animals, to the question "mine or yours." Instinctively, the dog wants to keep his "prey" for himself. So you should already begin as early as possible, left to take away the goods and also the bone Bowl or voluntary. This exercise should be carried out continuously, so that no issues may arise.

On daily walks, your dog will be a faithful companion.

Go in peace and with concentration in the daily work approach with the Blue Weimaraner. Let him wait sometimes in the "seat", move away and go back to him without to standing up. With these exercises you promote calm and focus on your common activities. They also increase the mental difficulty from time to time in your employment. If something does not work out the way you had imagined, just go back one step without being equal irritated.


Another tip: Try things in peace and with a high concentration of the dog, alone with no distractions, before other stimuli from the environment. Other dogs or people can distract the Blue Weimaraner. Keep eye contact with your dog. Always and always be one step ahead of your dog. A Blue Weimaraner would be performed and can adapt easily to you and respect as a leader., e-mail:; English; Weimaraner – Employment