The story of the Blue Weimaraners

... looking

About the appearance of the Weimaraner pointing dogs there are many theories.


The only certainty is that the Weimaraner beginning of the 19th Century at the court of the Grand Duke of Weimar, Karl August of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (1757-1828) - was held and the court of Weimar, the animal gets its name - who was a good friend of Goethe.


From about 1890, the breed is bred to plan, initially only for nobles and high-ranking aristocrats hunting ambitions. The dog breed "Weimaraner" was initially recorded at this time farm accounts in Erfurt.


Thus, Germany is clearly established as the country of the Weimaraner appearance.


After the Second World War and the occupation, the Americans have almost all breeding lines, especially the fine commandeers "Blue Weimaraner" in Germany, so that only a few breeding lines of Weimaraners have ever stayed in germany. These left over Weimaraners were then they grown up here in germany.


The Blue Weimaraner developed further in the United States since President Dwight Eisenhower bought in 1956 his dog "Heidi". Blue Weimaraner is one of the Elect.


Also, Frank Sinatra and Grace Kelly had such a noble dog.

Also, the star photographer William Wegmann, reached a major awareness through its famous Weimaraner pictures.


After the rediscovery of the old German Blue Weimaraner breed in the United States, a blue Weimaraner dog "Garvin vom Schloßturm" breeding association. For the first time, in April 2007, Garvin was here in Germany recorded in the RFD e.V. From these noble Blue Weimaraner approximately 90% of all Blue Weimaraner are drawn in Europe today.


Queen Lillyfee is a direct daughter of the legendary Blue Weimaraner sire "Garvin".


Queen Lillyfee is World Champion, European Champion and National Champion, as her father.


To bring fresh "blue blood" to Europe, the noble Blue Weimaraner dog "Shadow" was brought form America and lives now in Germany, to guarantee a further refinement and qualificate the Blue Weimaraner.


We are looking forward. We are happy about our little and specific blue Weimaraner.


The rediscovered in Germany blue Weimaraner breed.

... looking., e-mail:;

English; Weimaraner - History